The Categories
The groups mentioned in the previous page are grouped into categories.
The order of categories defined in the back end will be preserved in the front end.
Below is an example of a complete Trio definition for a simple module:
namespace App\Services\App\Module\Specific\Locus;
class LocusInitDetails implements InitDetailsInterface
public static function modelGroups(): array
return [
'Season' => [
'code' => 'RV',
'source' => ['module' => 'Season', 'field' => 'id'],
'field_name' => 'season_id',
'manipulator' => function ($val) {
return (string) ($val + 10);
'Area' => [
'code' => 'RV',
'source' => ['module' => 'Area', 'field' => 'id'],
'field_name' => 'area_id',
'Search Description' => [
'code' => 'SF',
'field_name' => 'description',
'Search Registration Notes' => [
'code' => 'SF',
'field_name' => 'description',
'Square' => [
'code' => 'TM',
'dependency' => [],
'multiple' => true,
'Order By' => [
'code' => 'OB',
'options' => ['Season', 'Area', 'Locus No.'],
public static function categories(): array
return [
'Registration' => [
'Search' => [
'Search Description',
'Search Registration Notes',
'Order By' => [
'Order By',
The Categories (and Trio) structure are defined in module-specific configuartion files.
Dependent Groups (and Categories) should always be placed after their dependencies!