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Why Create Another Archaeology Software When So Many Solutions Already Exist?

  • Financial:
    Some software is either costly or requires costly hardware (the iPad comes to mind). Unlike established/well known excavations that enjoy institutional support and often pride themselves on the use of cutting-edge technology (e.g., iDig, Pompeii), the Jezreel Expedition team chose not to allocate resources to these expenses. Self-hosting was, and still is, the cheapest way to make data available online.

  • Complexity:
    Some of the available solutions are resource-heavy and deemed too complex for the project's needs (e.g., OCHRE, Arches). In addition, emphasis on GIS/Total Station integration was considered unnecessary.

  • Lack of web support:
    Some software tools are not web-based (e.g., FileMaker-based applications like STRATUM) and may require significant effort to facilitate future web publication.

  • Lack of support for web publication:
    Some web-based software tools were designed to be management tools and did not consider future web publication (e.g., Codifi, diggit).

  • Lack of web collaboration capabilities:
    Some web publication solutions (like Open Context) promise future availability but do not allow for modification once the data are published.

  • The thrill of writing bespoke software meet one's specific needs.