App Folder Structure
The back end folder structure is that of a standard Laravel application. Files/folders of interest:
- API Endpoints
- Controllers
- Validators and Authentication
- Models (ORM classes)
- Module Specific Config & Init Files
- Services
The front end is divided into four folders: components, configs, scripts, and types.
Some points of interest in the Scripts Folder:
- JS Entry Point
- Front End Routes
- Routes Middleware - Parser, FSM, Loader (DB access)
- Trio - Normalizer, store ,and related functionality
- Collection - "main", "media" & "related" implementation and polymorphism
Some points of interest in the Components Folder:
- Main App Component
- Content - Components called directly from the Routes file
- Forms - Show, Create & Update Forms of the different modules
Please consult the complete codebase @GitHub.